Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Diets ???????????????????

Whatever you eat, look at the label. Make sure in the ingredients that nowhere it says sugar, high fructose corn syrup, sucralose, or other sugars. If you must eat these, have only one serving once a week. Theres no need to eat oreos 5 times a week. Start eating whole grain breads and pastas, with lots of veggies, fruits, and lean meats. Chicken, (not fried) fish, tuna fish, turkey, ham, egg whites, etc. And you can eat low fat dairy products like lowfat milk or cottage cheese, or lowfat cheese. So pick from those food categories, and eat 5-6 times a day. Meal, snack, meal, snack, meal. At every time you eat, eat some kind of lean protein, one portion of starches (your bread, pasta, and potatoes/corn/peas) and a veggie if you can fit it in. Then in your snacks, have like a piece of fruit and string cheese. Or berries in cottage cheese, or a few slices of deli meat with a cup of milk. Dont do extra snacking. And lots of exercise! Good luck!


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